


Madame Kruje gives a modern interpretation in the design of traditional Vologda bobbin lace.
We also produce stylish clothing from Vologda lace, made with the caring hands of real Russian craftswomen - the keepers of these traditions.
Drawing inspiration from history, we create beautiful yet modern items.

Madame Kruje is all about women and beauty.

We live at a time when women seem to have forgotten much of their true nature. We are in a hurry, we rush, we try to make it, we solve problems and we struggle with stress. With such a lifestyle we ​​need a shield.

Certainly, our clothing and appearance affect our self-perception and how we feel about ourselves."Madame Kruje" creates products from lace to remind the beautiful half of humanity that we are all primarily delicate, fragile and subtle people. Struggle and battle are not for us. Our mission is to create, inspire, please, care and love.

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